Setup your Kedro project

Check the installation

Type kedro info in a terminal to check if the plugin is properly discovered by Kedro. If the installation has succeeded, you should see the following ascii art:

 _            _
| | _____  __| |_ __ ___
| |/ / _ \/ _` | '__/ _ \
|   <  __/ (_| | | | (_) |
|_|\_\___|\__,_|_|  \___/

kedro allows teams to create analytics
projects. It is developed as part of
the Kedro initiative at QuantumBlack.

Installed plugins:
kedro_mlflow: <kedro-mlflow-version> (hooks:global,project)

The version <kedro-mlflow-version> of the plugin is installed ans has both global and project commands.

That’s it! You are now ready to go!

Create a kedro project

This plugins must be used in an existing kedro project. If you do not have a kedro project yet, you can create it with kedro new command. See the kedro docs for a tutorial.

For this tutorial and if you do not have a real-world project, I strongly suggest that you accept to include the proposed example to make a demo of this plugin out of the box.

Activate kedro-mlflow in your kedro project

In order to use the kedro-mlflow plugin, you need to set up the its configuration and declare its hooks. those 2 actions are detailled in the following paragraph.

Setting up the kedro-mlflow configuration file

kedro-mlflow is configured through an mlflow.yml file. The recommended way to initialize the mlflow.yml is by using the kedro-mlflow CLI. It is mandatory for the plugin to work.

Set the working directory at the root of your kedro project (i.e. the folder with the .kedro.yml file)

cd path/to/your/project

Run the init command :

kedro mlflow init

you should see the following message:

'conf/base/mlflow.yml' successfully updated.

Declaring kedro-mlflow hooks

kedro_mlflow hooks implementations must be registered with Kedro. There are three ways of registring hooks.

Note that you must register the two hooks provided by kedro-mlflow (MlflowPipelineHook and MlflowNodeHook) for the plugin to work.

- Declaring hooks through auto-discovery (for kedro>=0.16.4)

If you use kedro>=0.16.4, kedro-mlflow hooks are auto-registered automatically by default without any action from your side. You can disable this behaviour in your .kedro.yml or your pyproject.toml file.

- Declaring hooks through code, in ProjectContext (for kedro>=0.16.0, <=0.16.3)

By declaring mlflow_pipeline_hook and mlflow_node_hook in (src/package_name/ ProjectContext:

from kedro_mlflow.framework.hooks import mlflow_pipeline_hook, mlflow_node_hook

class ProjectContext(KedroContext):
    """Users can override the remaining methods from the parent class here,
    or create new ones (e.g. as required by plugins)

    project_name = "<project-name>"
    project_version = "0.16.X" # must be >=0.16.0
    hooks = (

- Declaring hooks through static configuration in .kedro.yml or pyproject.toml [Only for kedro >= 0.16.5 if you have disabled auto-registration]

In case you have disabled hooks for plugin, you can add them manually by declaring mlflow_pipeline_hook and mlflow_node_hook in .kedro.yml :

project_name: "km_example"
project_version: "0.16.5"
package_name: "km_example"
  - <your-project>.hooks.project_hooks
  - kedro_mlflow.framework.hooks.mlflow_pipeline_hook
  - kedro_mlflow.framework.hooks.mlflow_node_hook

Or by declaring mlflow_pipeline_hook and mlflow_node_hook in pyproject.toml :

# <your-project>/pyproject.toml