Example project

Install the plugin in a virtual environment

Create a conda environment and install kedro-mlflow (this will automatically install kedro>=0.16.0).

conda create -n km_example python=3.9 --yes
conda activate km_example
pip install kedro-mlflow==0.13.1

Install the toy project

For this end to end example, we will use the kedro starter with the iris dataset.

We use this project because:

  • it covers most of the common use cases

  • it is compatible with older version of Kedro so newcomers are used to it

  • it is maintained by Kedro maintainers and therefore enforces some best practices.

Installation with kedro>=0.19.0


For kedro>=0.19.0, pandas-iris starter has been removed. It is recommended to install spaceflights-pandas starter instead.

Installation with kedro>=0.16.3

The default starter is now called “pandas-iris”. In a new console, enter:

kedro new --starter=pandas-iris

Answer Kedro Mlflow Example, km-example and km_example to the three setup questions of a new kedro project:

Project Name:
Please enter a human readable name for your new project.
Spaces and punctuation are allowed.
 [New Kedro Project]: Kedro Mlflow Example

Repository Name:
Please enter a directory name for your new project repository.
Alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores are allowed.
Lowercase is recommended.
 [kedro-mlflow-example]: km-example

Python Package Name:
Please enter a valid Python package name for your project package.
Alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed.
Lowercase is recommended. Package name must start with a letter or underscore.
 [kedro_mlflow_example]: km_example

Installation with kedro>=0.16.0, <=0.16.2

With older versions of Kedro, the starter option is not available, but this kedro new provides an “Include example” question. Answer y to this question to get the same starter as above. In a new console, enter:

kedro new

Answer Kedro Mlflow Example, km-example, km_example and y to the four setup questions of a new kedro project:

Project Name:
Please enter a human readable name for your new project.
Spaces and punctuation are allowed.
 [New Kedro Project]: Kedro Mlflow Example

Repository Name:
Please enter a directory name for your new project repository.
Alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores are allowed.
Lowercase is recommended.
 [kedro-mlflow-example]: km-example

Python Package Name:
Please enter a valid Python package name for your project package.
Alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed.
Lowercase is recommended. Package name must start with a letter or underscore.
 [kedro_mlflow_example]: km_example

Generate Example Pipeline:
Do you want to generate an example pipeline in your project?
Good for first-time users. (default=N)
 [y/N]: y

Install dependencies

Move to the project directory:

cd km-example

Install the project dependencies (Warning: Do not use kedro install commands does not install the packages in your activated environment):

pip install -r src/requirements.txt